Health, Psychology, Fitness, Food & Drink


2022-04-01 14:34:54 simyang 1


Despite the endless health campaigns to encourage us to cut back, sugar still makes up a third of our calorie intake.

尽管无休止的健康战役要求我们和糖类断绝关系,但是不可否认的是,糖类依然是我们摄取卡路里 的主要方式。

This is deeply worrying, say experts, who are increasingly concerned that our bodies were not designed to take such a sugar overload, and fear it is contributing to many modern ills, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

科学家们说这太令人心忧了。他们开始渐渐担心我们的身体不能消耗那么多的糖类物质,并且害怕 过多的摄取糖类将会导致很多现代疾病,比如糖尿病,心脏病和癌症。

The problem is that sugar is highly addictive, as study after study has shown. Just last week researchers at Yale University revealed that dramatic falls in blood sugar, which occur after eating ‘bad’ carbohydrates such as sweets and biscuits, affect the part of the brain controlling impulse.

众多研究显示,最主要的问题是吃糖是会上瘾的。上周,在耶鲁大学的研究者们透露说,在吃了很 多所谓的不好的碳水化合物例如甜品和饼干后,血糖的大幅度下降将会影响脑部控制脉搏。

This leads to a loss of self control and a subsequent craving for more unhealthy, highcalorie foods.


The researchers said this could help explain the burgeoning global obesity epidemic.


That's the suggestion being made by Dr Jacob Teitelbaum in his book, Beat Sugar Addiction Now!


Dr Teitelbaum has identified four types of sugar addiction. He says they are triggered by different causes, from hormonal changes to infections. 他指出了四种不同种类的糖类上瘾,并表示说这是由不同种分类的原因引起的。

According to the type that best describes you, he suggests a specific action plan to tackle the problem.


Here are the four types — so which one is most like you?



DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? You work more than 40 hours a week and feel tired much of the time. A coffee every morning is vital to get you going and you crave sweets or caffeine through the day (you'll also have a non-diet fizzy drink most days).

这种像你吗?你每周工作超过40个小时,时常感觉飞行航类。对你来说,每天早上一杯咖啡是必需 的,为了保持精力,你每天吃大量的糖果和含有咖啡因类的物质,同时你还经常没节制的喝汽水。

You are plagued with aches and pains and have frequent headaches. You're also gaining weight and have trouble losing it.


THE PROBLEM: Because you're super busy, with little time for proper meals, you rely on fast food, sugary drinks and snacks to provide a boost. 问题所在:因为你太忙了,没有时间好好吃饭,所以就依靠快餐,甜得饮料还有零食让自己充满动 力。

THE SOLUTION: Caffeine can aggravate sugar addiction (when you come down from an energy ‘high’, you often reach for sugar).


Withdraw gradually by halving coffee consumption each week, until you are on one cup a day, then switch to tea and finally caffeine-free tea.


Drink more water to help flush your system. Ban processed food and white flour, and switch to diet drinks and whole foods such as brown bread, rice, pasta and flour, which take longer for the body to process, keeping blood sugar levels stable and keeping you off the sugar roller coaster.

每天都喝水,拒绝加工食品和精面粉,向规律饮食过度,例如多吃全面面包,意大利面,这样会使 身体消化的过程加长,是血压保持稳定。

Getting more sleep optimises energy levels, reduces appetite and slashes sugar cravings. When you are tired, you are more likely to crave sugar to generate energy artificially.

足够的睡眠会让你精力更充沛,减少对零食和糖类物质的渴望。当你累的时候,也许你就希望靠吃 糖来保持精力充沛。


DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? It's impossible for you to get through the day without bread or sugar.   


You've had a fungal infection, such as thrush or athlete’s foot, that has been difficult to treat — you might also have symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (such as wind, bloating, diarrhoea and/or constipation).

你可能真菌感染了,比如你得了鹅口疮这种很难根治的病,或者你可能有肠易激综合症的某些 症状,例如腹泻或便秘等。   

You frequently pop antacids or may have been prescribed steroids (such as Prednisone) for more than a month.   


THE PROBLEM: It could be a yeast/candida overgrowth.   


If you've had more than your fair share of antibiotics or antacids, there's a strong chance they've triggered an overgrowth of bad bacteria.   

如果你超过了普通人体内所含有的抗生素或者制酸剂的标准,那么你就很有可能是这种类型的 糖类上瘾症患者了。   

Eating sugar makes the yeast multiply, so intensifying cravings and creating a vicious circle.   


THE SOLUTION: You need to cut back on all forms of sugar, as well as caffeine, and switch to a low GI wholefood diet.   




DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? You're irritable when you're hungry; you also often feel stressed. Sometimes you feel dizzy when you stand up. As well as suffering from recurrent sore throats and swollen glands, you may often be thirsty and have to urinate frequently.   

这个像你吗?当你感觉饿的时候你很容易发怒,同样你感觉到压力巨大。有时候你站起来还感 觉头晕目眩。同时你还感觉到嗓子又疼又肿,还经常口渴,不停的上厕所。   

THE PROBLEM: You could be suffering from adrenal ‘overload’. The job of our adrenal glands is to pump out the stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol when we're under pressure.   

问题所在:你的肾上腺素分泌过度了。肾上腺的功能是在我们觉得有压力的时候抽出压力荷尔 蒙肾上腺素,和皮质醇。   

THE SOLUTION: Graze on small, high-protein meals throughout the day (snack on nuts, cheese or eggs). This should keep energy levels on an even keel, making it easier to cut back on sugar. Try to reduce stress levels.   

解决方案:每天吃高蛋白质的食物,用干果,奶酪和鸡蛋做零食。这样能使你的能量维持在非 常平稳的一个水平,并且更容易摆脱糖类。试着放松并减少压力。   



DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? You're a woman aged 38 or over. You suffer from low mood and reduced sex drive — your periods have been getting irregular or changing (and the week before it starts you experience insomnia, headaches, fatigue and hot flushes).   

这个像你吗?你是超过38岁的女性。你性欲减退,每天情绪低落。你的周期开始变得不规律, 经常变化,在经期开始之前的那几周,你头疼失眠,疲惫,甚至有热潮红的症状。   

THE PROBLEM: You may be experiencing the menopause, perimenopause (the lead-up to the menopause) or pre-menstrual tension.   


This can cause sugar cravings to soar, leaving you tired, irritable and miserable when you do eat sugar.   

这将会导致对糖类的渴望大大增强,当你吃糖的时候,你就不会感觉到累,烦躁或是觉得自己 无助。

THE SOLUTION: Cut down on sugar as much as possible, but if you suffer from premenstrual tension, try taking vitamin B6 (200mg a day), too.  解决方案:尽可能减少对糖的依靠,但是如果你确实感到了经前焦虑,可以试着每天服用200 毫克的维生素B6。   

If you cut out sugar, you will be allowing your body to make prostaglandin more effectively.   




invasion  n. 侵入,侵略

control n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置

switch n. 开关,转换,鞭子 v. 转换,改

circle n. 圈子,圆周,循环 v. 环绕,盘

irregular n. 不合规格之物 adj. 不规则的,

encourage  vt. 鼓励,促进,支持

withdraw  vt. 撤回,取回,撤退 vi. 退回,

beat v. 打败,战胜,打,敲打,跳动

tension n. 紧张,拉力,张力,紧张状态

craving n. 渴望,热望 动词  crave的现在分词
