图表10: 一所英国学校在某三年的支出项目比较
The charts compare changes in the shares of five different items which comprised the yearly
expenses of a British school between 1981 and 2001.
Overall, while the shares of three items experienced rises, there were declines in the remaining
two. Moreover, academic staff salaries contributed the largest proportion of expenditure
throughout the survey, whereas insurance had the smallest share.
Wages paid to the teaching staff accounted for the most significant proportion of expenditure
in 1981 (40%) and went up by a quarter before declining slightly. In comparison, the salaries of
non-academic employees were responsible for less than a third of all expenses in 1981, but their
share dipped substantially by 13% over the course of these 20 years.
The share of furniture and equipment was initially as high as that of educational resources
(15%), but while the former dropped by 2/3 before rising fivefold, the latter experienced a
marked rise after which it halved, reaching just below 10%.
The contribution of insurance had risen minimally from 2% to 3% by 1991, before increasing
almost threefold in 2001.
(177 words)