
  • General Function 9. Giving examples

    Giving examplesWriters may give specific examples as evidence to support their general claims or arguments. Examples can also be used to help the reader or listener understand unfamiliar or difficult

    2022-03-28 simyang 1

  • General Function 8. Explaining causality

    Explaining causalityA great deal of academic work involves understanding and suggesting solutions to problems. At postgraduate level, particularly in applied fields, students search out problems to st

    2022-03-28 simyang 1

  • General Function 7. Describing quantities

    Describing quantitiesThe language for writing about quantities can be a complex area for non-native speakers because there are many combinations of short grammar words, such as prepositions and pronou

    2022-03-28 simyang 0

  • General Function 5. Defining terms

    Defining termsIn academic work students are often expected to give definitions of key words and phrases in order to demonstrate to their tutors that they understand these terms clearly. More generally

    2022-03-28 simyang 2

  • General Function 6. Describing trends

    Describing trendsA trend is the general direction in which something is developing or changing over time. A projection is a prediction of future change. Trends and projections are usually illustrated

    2022-03-28 simyang 1

  • General Function 4. Compare and contrast

    Compare and contrastBy understanding similarities and differences between two things, we can increase our understanding and learn more about both. This usually involves a process of analysis, in which

    2022-03-28 simyang 0

  • General Function 3. Classifying and listing

    Classifying and listingWhen we classify things, we group and name them on the basis of something that they have in common. By doing this we can understand certain qualities and features which they sha

    2022-03-28 simyang 1

  • General Function 2. Being critical

    Being criticalAs an academic writer, you are expected to be critical of the sources that you use. This essentially means questioning what you read and not necessarily agreeing with it just because the

    2022-03-27 simyang 4

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