The pie charts compare the shares of four major items in global expenditure, as well as how global population is distributed.Overall, the largest proportion of money in the world is allocated to food,
2022-04-11 simyang 1
Sample answer: The bar chart shows the difference between the percentage of females and males in differentpost-school qualifications in Australia in 1999.Overall, women had the highest share in two qu
2022-04-11 simyang 6
I thought college would be very difficult compared to high school. Ithought college would be over baring and a tremendous amount of work. Also I thought soccer andhomework would take up all my time an
2022-04-10 simyang 0
Middle School isn’t over; the end is here at last. The parts of my life that seemed never ending aregone for good. I thought I could not wait until high school, but now I wish that it wasn’t here so s
2022-04-10 simyang 0
When you start a new school or a new grade you never know what to expect, all different types ofemotions are running through your head sometimes that could be stress. When I started high school,I didn
2022-04-10 simyang 0
The school environment causes natural polarization of peoples with similar backgrounds, attitudes, orany other factors that would form certain peer groups, or ‘cliques’. This is particularly observabl
2022-04-10 simyang 1
High School to some is the best part of their lives and to others is the worst part of their life. As for meI believe high school is just about setting goals and achieving them. Personally, I set up t
2022-04-10 simyang 0
High School, well i can only say that it's the best experience while i am living in this planet, withouthigh school, well, life is a bit of boring. Some person i met tells me that high school is t
2022-04-10 simyang 1